From 2004 to present, The Farmers Land Trust staff have contributed the following achievements and innovations to agriculture and farmland commons, conservation, and stewardship with communities:
ï‚·Worked on the establishment of, and collaborated with, over 100 land trusts,
community groups, and regional, state, and federal partners to assist over 100 farm
projects that achieved protection, tenure, agricultural viability, good stewardship, and
community and commons ownership and tenure structures
Managed a private foundation grant program that dispersed over $3,500,000
Managed and participated in federal USDA grant review teams
ï‚·Raised over $25,000,000 to conserve over 12,000 acres of land
Led organizational growth and development
Growing a small watershed-based family foundation into a regional leader and
innovator in farm conservation, transfer, tenure, and stewardship -
Growing a small grassroots nonprofit from a volunteer-based organization
with an operating budget of less than $50,000, a donor base of of less than 20
and an audience community of less than 2,500 to a team with an operating
budget of over $800,000, a donor base of over 4,000, and an audience
community of over 40,000 -
Inspiring and cultivating a community food culture
Growing a legacy Biodynamic farm’s management, finances, community, and
markets to move toward transition and transfer
innovator in farm conservation, transfer, tenure, and stewardship
ï‚·Played key roles in the creation of a national farmland commons initiative involving the
non-profit ownership of land used in community-based farming
Engaged in real estate sales and brokerage
Engaged in Biodynamic farming, business management, community and
communications management
Served as board or advisor to: Regional Planning Commission Representative, Local and
County Zoning, Planning, Agriculture, Conservation board and commission member,
and nonprofit advisor and board member
Consulted in farmland development and provided strategic guidance on conservation,
agriculture, and neighborhood development projects related to land development,
permitting, and zoning
Engaged in food, agriculture, finance and legal partnerships and networks
Delivered presentations and workshops at local, regional, and national levels
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You can support the mission and work of The Farmers Land Trust by subscribing to the newsletter below, donating to Farmers Land Trust, donating land to Farmland Commons, contacting us about a potential partnership or sponsorship, and following Farmers Land Trust on your favorite social media.